
As psychical being , I had the confirmation of the notion that the universe is a mystic dwelling of incredible events,since the moment it revealed one of its transcendent secret in my existence, as a result, I identify myself as a coincidental believer in the higher consciousness derived from the supernatural plane, it's important to recognize that beliefs about the spiritual, supernatural, and higher consciousness vary among individuals, while one may perceive and interpret the experiences in a particular way, others may have different meaning based on their own perspectives,perhaps inspired from the cultural backgrounds, my mind holds a precise rationale about this belief because it is essential for the coherence of my own existence within the universal constitution,which encompasses both the consciousness of my mind and the matter of my physical body, it is worth noting that the search for harmony and understanding is a fundamental aspect of the human nature, thus I perceive a deep connection between the consciousness of my mind and the physical world, seeing them as intertwined elements within the greater structure of the universe.

As a human creation, I possess the same physiological characteristics as any other member of mankind, however, my uniqueness lies in the realm of my mind consciousness, which is a distinct and individual feature, I am aware that this intimate subject is controversial by the sciencific community as its true nature and capabilities are still not fully understood, nonetheless, metaphysicians and other modern scientists dedicate time and effort to researching the connection between consciousness and the creation of the universe, through the observation of its puzzling manifestations and phenomena, offering to physical science some glimpses into the subtle interaction between universal trascendence and the material world, these insights have deepened the human quest for a comprehensive understanding of nature, however the study of consciousness and its relationship with the physical world remains a mere existential matter, while many questions remain unanswered, and the exact nature of consciousness continues to be a subject of exploration and speculation as it is an area that extends beyond scientific protocols for integrity which delves into the virtual realm of humanistic science and personal experience.

In the possibility that the whole of the universal consciousness endures a relationship with the ability of the quanta, it must assume to be essentially a reflection of the supernatural realm, which fundamental function, is found within its powerful spirituality, to earn awe from mankind whose emotional instinct has led to many existential misconceptions in its evolution, attributing to the incidental manifestations that occur in the realm of human experience,including ancestral significations and divinatory symbols, which interpretations that humans ascribe to those events, brought to biased beliefs, compromising the true meaning of nature for itself and its spiritual essence.

The concept of the quantum field spanning from the microcosmic extreme of the universe, to the macro in the other, has indeed led to speculations about the prospect of a transcendent consciousness in control of the very essence of nature, while this notion raises challenging questions, for the physics laws as we know, however, exploring the idea of an all-encompassing consciousness within the framework of the quantum field, it can provide a theoretical foundation for understanding its conditional existence and the dynamics it might entail, while the supernatural lies outside the scope of scientific investigation, it is evident that it transcends the horizons embraced by physics so far, however, as scientific knowledge progresses and new discoveries unfold, our understanding of consciousness, the quantum realm, and the nature of reality, may evolve.

Made upon the observation of how nature behaves, science has given to humanity some definite fundamentals, assuming that the universe is made of the same matter, however there are close chances that more principles will be formulated, as science continues to advance toward a direction which apparently it points to a common denominator, to allow a feasible explanation of the cosmic hierarchy, starting from the primordial constitution of the universe, wherein energy persists everlasting, it is through this transcendent power of the universal nature that everything unfolds in a consistent manner, to imply that the fundamental processes and phenomena observed in the universe are interconnected and governed by a unified system of rules.

Nature itself embodies the spiritual creation within the universe, which includes not only the consciousness of the human mind but also his broader awareness, and while the latter dwells at a lower plane of energy, it acts as a conscious observer of the dynamic evolution occurring in the universe, in sympathetic relation with its spiritual being, drawing inspiration from its influence, within this framework, the human mind possesses a special quality that allows it to establish a connection with higher planes of existence, this connection can be seen as a supernatural disposition, where the individual psychical mind exercises its unique ability to engage with and understand the virtual aspects of these higher planes.

It is a faculty of the human consciousness,to recognize the action of the supernatural forces on the natural world through events which dont have an apparent explanation behind their occurrence , however the ability of a psychical mind holds the inherent bent to recognize its connection with a trascendent plane, allowing the interpretation of its significance,to compensate the usual reference of its material element by acknowledging the immaterial causes instead, by its ability to involve and change the fixed arrangement of the essence belonging the natural world, offering a a model of sensitive field of the universal constitution which behave as close relative to its greater whole.

However not all the manifestations from the supernatural realm are bound to be accounted within the human records, as most of the unexplainable phenomena occurring in the universe as factual events are being classified as random, of which is not possible to discern the energy they emanated, because the causality of these circumstances remain a new frontier for the consciousness of all beings, leaving only a discernible reverberation within the continuum dimension of the universe, to preclude a fruitful learning experience, nevertheless it may be overwhelming enough to providing evidence of their entity, thus to elicit an otherworldly mediation, which makes plausible to consider the involvement of supernatural forces in these phenomena.

Evaluating the capacity of the mind consciousness, it is accepted as the central processing entity responsible for integrating sensory information in sentient beings, as ongoing researches envisage, its elaboration occurs through a quantum process inherent the neural frame that constitute the mind's matter,this process becomes particularly significant for the psychical mind ability to actively engage with the supernatural realm through entanglement, by resonating with the corresponding frequency of its plane, the effective result of its involvement will alter the appearance of the underlying fabric of matter, changing somewhat its assets to an involute form depending on the self-application put in use, which ultimately will determine the idea.

Apparently it would hold the persistent ability of a psychogenic generator, whom innermost intent may interfaces the outer dimension, to invoke a supernatural kind of event, which bears the inherent radiation of universal energy, his natural confidence inspired by the resonance between his mind and the supernatural realm, creating a harmonious connection in synchronism with its trascendent influence, this alignement will enlighten his psychical consciousness, while the achieved apperception, expanding its wisdom, joins with the higher power that has bestowed this extraordinary gift upon his life.

As philosophy discerns between the concepts of supernatural and metaphysics within the realm of the universal consciousness, each has an ideal ontological position in relation to human existence, as methaphysics entails a philosophical dialogue with the universal creation, seeking to unravel the essence of its existence, while the supernatural relates to its primordial spirituality, including aspects beyond the ordinary appearance of reality, as the argument about the dualistic concept of the great universe which through the spacetime continuum, extends different levels of energy, nevertheless,both concepts offer unique perspectives on the nature of existence and the diverse dimensions of the universal framework.

As the motion of the ethereal energy, casually manifested from the supernatural realm of the universe, is able to introduce subtile dynamics on the material world in various means, although the perception of its effects, brings some misrepresentations on the human consciousness, depending in its biasless response and openness of mind, thus who are unaware of the universal bearing of ethereal energy may inaccurately attempt to make sense of the phenomenon by attributing it to ordinary occurrences within the natural world,their lack of awareness of the broader implications of these events can hinder their ability to distinguish between unworldly events and ordinary acts of nature ,despite the repeated accounts of such extramundane experiences by many psychical beings throughout history.

Nevertheless, while the observations of anomalous manifestations of the customary nature may lack of pertinent references,they mostly result to cause concerns within the human mind, especially for oneself who hold apprehension for the seemingly mystical appearance behind unknown occurrences of the world, whereas the perception of these phenomena, as products of spiritual direction, can be influenced by personal beliefs, be it cultural or religious, however being in accord with the human desire to find for itself, the true behind unexplained events, while others seek to speculate the raising of the emotional susceptibility by building trivial superstitions, beginning to carry out mediumship and other paranormal activities which eventually it fell to develop a false cult toward the supernatural.

Although the concept of paranormal represents the scope of various psychical abilities, they primarily focuses on phenomena that are beyond the realm of scientific explanation but may still be within the scope of human abilities or natural phenomena, the emphasis is on exploring and understanding these phenomena through empirical and investigative approaches, however, it is reductive compared to the meaning of the supernatural, which is the spiritual inspiration for the psyche,which exploring into the trascendent plane, is regarded to be outside the human influence, as it encompasses concepts that are beyond the scope of empirical observation or scientific explanation, awkwardly some of the paranormal applications depend more on psychical weakness then on a supernatural transposition of energy.

However, my primary focus is not involved to advance further into the activities associated with the paranormal as spiritualism or mediumship, while these practices are inherent the scope of the supernatural realm and its esoteric causes, which entity constitues the fundamental essence that permeate the full entirety of the universe, the perception of its spiritual power implies that there is an essential bearing of the human psyche that resonates with and seeks connection with something greater than one own self,which is able to inspire the human faith, where the occurrences of its manifestion would had not other explanation than the confirmation of its universal immanence, allowing its spiritual significance among humanity the tradition of attributing a divine cause, reinforcing the belief in the existence of a higher power and indentifying in psychical beings the intermediaries for its outworldly event.

Without the presumption to confront the science of physics at the level of the esoteric philosophy, which entails looking beyond the materialistic explanations provided by physics and exploring the broader questions related to the nature of reality,it is a certain fact that its knowledge is limited when must explain per se, events which transcend the established functions of the matter, being actualized in the universal realm, however leaving the possibility to verify further and explore the behavior of inherent energy is an essential aspect of scientific and esoteric inquiry, considering the supernatural as an extention of the universe creation,it would implies to transcend the most evolved up to date physics laws when it will be required to define instantaneous communications, however, within the realm of the supernatural there are concepts that propose alternative modes of communication that may not adhere to these physical limitations, somewhat corresponding to non-local connections provided by quantum fields, which transcend space and time from one side to another of the universe of ideas or even matter, it would mean more than physics evolution, it would make the universal consciousness divine.

Discerning the pattern of world events, can reckon the effect of supernatural synchronicity, which extend its transcendent leverage both to humans themself and various aspects of their existence,allowing to inspire their consciousness, while influencing oneself life events, such as relationships, circumstances,etc., and although the human consciousness occupies a low plane of energy in the universal hierarchy, some psychical minds hold the ability to reach out for the equanimous disposition of the supernatural realm in conceding its inherent power to the willful appeal yielded from their aural vibration which serves as a conduit for accessing and channeling its ascending nature.

I conclude this self-inspired article, which discerns about the supernatural realm and explores the attainable manifestations of its trascendent power, its subject matter holds deep significance for my psychical being, as it directly influences the laws of my super nature,in fact I am intimately involved with its context, and it ignites profound reflections in my mind regarding the human value represented by the virtual energy it emanates, as it has the capacity to satisfy the sensory expectations of all living things, it bears an essential benefit for the consciousness of the human mind, settling upon, its spiritual awareness , providing a counterbalance to the vulnerability posed by materialism, although it is a free endowment in the creation of matter, it is subject to fluctuations which have the ability to impact the entire universe, disrupting the occult harmony it holds.